Exchange Publishing has won various awards for 2021-2022 from the Association of Community Publishers, competing against nearly 1500 other entries from publications from all over the United States & Canada!
We received:
1st Place General Excellence Award for 3 publications!
We also received 1st place for "Best Original Photography used in a Newsprint Ad” for an ad in the Exchange Spokane/North Idaho weekly paper, and 3rd Place for "Best Use of Art/Photography Service" for an ad in Buy Sell Build Real Estate Magazine.
The Exchange was once again awarded 1st Place in the Category of General Excellence for a weekly paper with 0-9% editorial content by AFCP! Other awards received were 1st Place for Self Promotion, 1st Place General Excellence for a less than monthly paper with 10-25% editorial content, and 2nd Place for Best Sales Presentation.
The Exchange was awarded 1st Place in the Category of General Excellence for a weekly paper with 0-9% editorial content at the 2019 AFCP Annual Conference and Trade Show in Las Vegas! Over 1,300 individual entries were submitted from publications all across the United States and Canada.
Barbara Powers, our publisher, was announced as the fifth recipient of the Gladys Van Drie Volunteer Award at the Association of Free Community Papers Annual Conference and Trade Show in Las Vegas.
The presenter of the award had this to say, "This award recognizes the contributions of a volunteer who has given significantly to the betterment of the industry as a whole, without thought to personal gain. Barb has contributed greatly to the long term success and accomplishments of community papers across the country. Barb started her journey in the paper industry in 2000 after a career in real estate. By 2002, she had accepted a position representing the regional association on the AFCP board as an active participant in several AFCP initiatives. Her commitment to her fellow publishers through involvement in PNAWAN, PaperChain and AFCP stands as a testimonal to the type of volunteers that keep this industry moving forward. Barb has established herself as a trusted, respected and ever present volunteer for the entire free publication industry, and has repeatedly demonstrated the devotion and efforts worthy of the Gladys Von Drie Volunteer Award."
The Association of Free Community Papers honored The Exchange with 3rd Place for the best self promotion of classified ads. The award was given at the 2019 AFCP Annual Conference and Trade Show in Las Vegas.
The Exchange was awarded 3rd Place for the best in-paper promotion of a special section for our 2018 Big Horn Outdoor Adventure Show Guide. The award was given at the 2019 AFCP Annual Conference and Trade Show in Las Vegas.
The Exchange was presented with 1st Place for "Best Promotion Ad for Publication" in the Best of the West Ad Contest which was presented during a PNAWAN (Pacific Northwest Association of Want Ad Newspapers) Conference held at Northern Quest in Spokane. Our award winning graphics team consists of Deborah Simpson, Shelly Wall and Devon McCarthy.
Exchange Publishing of Spokane, received several awards from the Pacific Northwest Association of Want Ad Newspapers at the Fall Conference. First Place "Best Retail Store Ad" for Oxarc, First Place "Best Special Section" for the Big Horn Show Guide and Second Place "Best Self-Promotion Ad" for Power to the Papers. Jan Ryan, Sales Queen, accepted the awards in Las Vegas.
The Exchange was presented with the Hall of Fame "Friend of Hillyard" Award from the Greater Hillyard Business Association. Luke Tolley of the Association presented Helen Boyd-Schwartz the award and said "The business winner has their offices in downtown Spokane, but they are Hillyard at heart. They have reached out to our neighborhood for years to help us advertise events and businesses, especially through tough times."
"Partner of the Year" Award for the Washington State Association REALTORS® is Barbara Harns Powers, of Exchange Publishing, an organization that provides affordable and effective media for real estate advertisers. She was nominated by Jim Palmer Jr. of Real Estate Marketplace NW, Deer Park, Washington. Creativity and resourcefulness are words that have been used to describe her. The award is presented annually to an active media organization or individual for their support of the REALTOR® profession. To quote one of her REALTOR® clients, "I have never known anyone in any business that understands customer service like Barb does. Barbara served for four years on the Board of Directors for the AFCP, the national Association of Free Community Papers, with a circulation of about 100 million. She has been on the Board of Directors for the PNAWAN, the Pacific Northwest Association of Want Ad Newspapers, and served as their Convention Chairman. She was a CASA volunteer in the past as well. Barbara was considered for this award alongside many other media professionals across the state as well.